Financial Aid

Mount Mercy的教育是你能做的最好的投资之一. In fact, many students find that Mount Mercy can be less expensive than many public and private schools in the region.

FAFSA and financial aid

这些术语你已经听过很多次了. But why are they important? 他们是帮你赚钱上大学的关键.

  • 州和联邦补助金(根据家庭收入免费发放)
  • Academic scholarships (more free money)
  • 勤工俭学或其他工作(每周20小时)
  • 通过联邦政府或私人贷款人发放的贷款

How to file your FAFSA

申请经济援助的第一步是完成申请表格 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA).

Eligibility for federal student aid doesn't carry over from one year to the next, 所以你需要每年填写FAFSA,你需要联邦援助 to help with college costs. File your FAFSA as soon as possible to maximize the amount of aid you receive—some awards are presented on a first come, first serve basis. 

  1. Go to or
  2. 为您和您的父母/监护人创建一个FSA ID
  3. Enter Mount Mercy’s FAFSA code: 001880

Filing your 2024-25 FAFSA

The U.S. 教育部做了很多 changes and simplifications to the FAFSA this year. 因此,应用程序将比平时晚打开准备好在2023年12月31日试运行后采取行动. 该表格将在他们处理问题时定期提供, 所以,如果你有任何问题,请经常回来看看. 

  • 虽然申请被推迟到2024-25学年, 未来它将在传统的10月1日开放
  • The final deadline for the FAFSA will not change—make sure you've filed before the June 30, 2025年截止日期为2024-25学年
  • 更新后的表单将更容易完成,并包括 援助的计算方式发生了一些变化

如果你有任何问题,请不要犹豫与我们联系! 您可以博彩平台的财政援助办公室,电话:319-368-6467或 

The U.S. 教育部做了很多 changes and simplifications to the FAFSA this year. 以下是一些主要的更新:

  • The form was simplified,减少了你需要回答的问题数量

  • The student, their spouse, and all parents/guardians with tax data being reported must have their own FSA ID/ account

  • Access was expanded for Federal Pell Grants

  • 较高入息保障津贴 will result in lower expectations for student or family income to be able to pay for college

  • Families are now required to 报告他们农场或企业的价值, 这将影响联邦援助的计算方式

  • There is 不再是兄弟姐妹在大学里的福利—the FAFSA will no longer consider the number of individuals in a household attending college when determining the amount of aid

第一步是确保每个人都有自己的助学金.gov account/FSA ID. 学生和所有贡献者都需要自己的账户, so setting these up in advance will streamline your ability to fill out the FAFSA. 

  1. 如果你没有提交2023-24年的FAFSA表格,一定要提交 create your account. Remember your username and password so you can fill out the 2024-25 FAFSA when it opens!

  2. Find out if your parents/guardians or spouse will need to be contributors based on your dependency status

  3. If your parents/guardians or spouse will need to contribute to your form, make sure each contributor creates their own account
If the student is a dependent and their parents/guardians filed taxes jointly, 只需要一个父母作为供款人,并需要一个FSA ID. 如果学生的父母/监护人没有共同报税, 两者都被认为是贡献者,必须有自己的FSA id. 


FAFSA通常使用上一年的税务信息. 尽管FAFSA今年的开放时间比往年晚, 确保你使用了2022年的纳税信息.

由于今年的变化,美国的财政状况将有所改善.S. Department of Education has stated that there will be delays in transferring information from the FAFSA to colleges.

We expect to release award offers for traditional undergraduate students in April. Students in our block programs will need to register before a financial aid award will be sent.

Faith Janaszak

While the FAFSA seems very daunting, it really isn’t as scary as you might think! I was able to get an amazing academic scholarship based off my high school grades, a music scholarship, 还有一份勤工俭学的工作.

Financial aid options

We're committed to affordability.

With generous financial aid options and a focus on clear pathways to graduation, Mount Mercy is committed to making your education an affordable investment. Please reach out to our financial aid counselors to talk about all the available financial aid options—we're here to help!

From scholarships and grants to federal and private loans在美国,有很多资源可以帮助你获得学位. In fact, 100% of our incoming freshmen and transfer students receive scholarships.

申请经济援助的第一步是完成申请表格 FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生资助). Mount Mercy的联邦学校校规是 001880

研究生可能有资格参加各种 scholarships and loan programs. 申请经济援助的第一步是完成申请表格 FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生资助), which 帮助确定您是否有资格获得州和联邦援助. 所有被录取的学生都应填写 FAFSA. Mount Mercy的联邦学校校规是 001880. For financial aid purposes, the academic year starts in the fall semester (usually late August) and ends in the summer semester (usually early August).

速成班的学生被鼓励学习更多关于 aid options (PDF).

申请经济援助的第一步是完成申请表格 FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生资助), which 帮助确定您是否有资格获得州和联邦援助. Mount Mercy的联邦学校校规是 001880. For financial aid purposes, the academic year starts in the fall semester (usually late August) and ends in the summer semester (usually early August).

如果你已经离开大学2年以上,你可能有资格获得3500美元 Future Ready Iowa Grant, if eligible. 有资格获得爱荷华州未来准备补助金的专业包括:

  • Accounting
  • Actuarial Science
  • Art Teacher Education
  • Business/Commerce, General
  • Computer Science
  • 基础教育与教学
  • Finance, General
  • 管理信息系统,总论
  • 市场营销/市场管理,一般
  • Music Teacher Education
  • 注册护士/注册护士
  • Secondary Education and Teaching
  • Social Work

Contact Financial Aid

112 Warde Hall

Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Summer Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM-Noon

Financial aid process


申请经济援助的第一步是完成申请表格 FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生资助). Mount Mercy的联邦学校校规是 001880

Award Letter

Mount Mercy’s financial aid award letter will serve as official notification of your financial aid eligibility. While not a commitment of funds, 这封信是状态的初步迹象, federal, institutional, 还有外部机构的资金. 这封信将包括联邦政府的金额, state, 以及学生获得的机构资助, and the award period. Students can accept financial aid by following the instructions on their award letter. 


The priority deadline for new 新入学的传统学生(秋季学期)需要提交FAFSA March 1. Iowa students (all undergraduate students) should file the FAFSA no later than July 1 才有资格获得爱荷华学费助学金. 有资格获得经济援助, Mount Mercy’s Financial Aid Office must receive all necessary documents for processing aid by December for the fall semester and March 1 for the spring semester.

To receive aid from the major federal student aid programs and to determine eligibility for institutional aid, a student must:

  • 在符合条件的项目中以普通学生的身份注册
    • A regular student is someone who is enrolled for the purpose of obtaining a degree
  • 拥有高中文凭(或同等学历)或通过美国大学毕业考试.S. 教育部认可的考试
    • 在某些情况下,家庭学校的学生也有资格
  • 在学业上取得令人满意的进步
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Certify that he/she is not in default on any Federal Student Aid (FSA) loan or owe an overpayment on any FSA grant or loan
  • 提供正确的社会安全号码
  • File the FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生资助)
    • 从这个表格中得到的结果是期望家庭贡献(EFC)。, and Mount Mercy's FAFSA code is 001880
  • Provide federal tax returns, verification worksheets, and any other information if requested
  • Attend class on a regular basis

All federally funded programs are subject to change as a result of legislative action.


  • An Iowa resident (as defined by the State Board of Regents) and a United States citizen, 或持永久签证居住在美国, or a refugee (as defined by the U.S. 公民及移民事务)
  • Currently enrolled or planning to enroll at least part-time (3 hours minimum) in an undergraduate degree program

All students who register to take class(es) at Mount Mercy University are required to electronically sign (e-sign) a 财务责任协议 (FRA).

The 财务责任协议 is a disclosure agreement between you and Mount Mercy University that states that you agree to pay all charges that result from your registration and services you receive from the university. You will be asked to acknowledge that you understand that you are responsible for paying all charges associated with your attendance and where applicable, 大学住宿费. The agreement also explains how your financial aid is used to pay your bill, 不及时支付账单的后果, how the university will notify you about any outstanding balance you owe the university, social security number or taxpayer identification number requirement for 1098-T forms, 及电子派发1098-T表格.

You (the student) will receive an email inviting you to read and sign the agreement. If you decline to sign the form, your enrollment will be subject to cancellation since you are not agreeing to pay the university. You will only need to sign the agreement once as long as you maintain continuous enrollment with the university.

Mount Mercy University accepts tuition reimbursement from employers who offer that benefit. We allow students that receive tuition reimbursement up to 45 days after the completion of the course to pay the course tuition.
